Since we already took the first step for this Blog, it is now time to dig dipper. Many people have responded to my invitation to read the blog with a question mark and I realize that, to some, Greentech sounds like a strange word.
According to Wikipedia: "Environmental technology or green technology (abbreviated as GreenTech) or clean technology (abbreviated as CleanTech) is the application of environmental sciences to conserve the natural environment and resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement."
To me Greentech represents a conjunction of three things. (1) An initiative to minimize the negative impact of humans on nature. (2) An opportunity to shift geopolitical injustices. (3) A business opportunity. I emphasize on this third point because none of the other advantages is sustainable without this third one.
In this blog I would like to open a conversation about different business opportunities in Greentech. Mainly, Greentech has three branches: 1-Alternative Energy, 2-Water and 3-Waste Management.
Opportunities in Alternative Energy range from Fuel Cells (that transform hydrogen to electricity with water as byproduct) to Wind, Solar or Geothermal power generation. Immense rewards are in sight for the person or company that is able to substitute existing methods of power generation and storage with cleaner and sustainable alternatives and competitive pricing (emphasis in competitive pricing to ensure business sustainability)
Water greentech opportunities range from desalinization and purification to water analysis and irrigation systems. More and more water is becoming a valuable resource and any method that provides water savings or additional sources while upholding our quality of life is a probable winner. Water is also one of the biggest equalizers for global social injustice. If the technology has the added feature of providing water to those who needed the most then its a win-win-win situation.
Waste Management encompasses collection, transport, processing and recycling of byproducts of human activity. Many creative solutions are being developed to reduce the impact of waste. Some solutions include gas, biofuel and power generation from sludge and waste water. Development of new materials that minimize impact on nature. As well as new construction methods and urban designs to reduce the volume of waste or route it in a way that the waste becomes a reusable resource.
In the next entries I will be giving specific examples of companies that are trying achieve some of these tasks. Until then I say unto you "Shalom" (Hebrew word that translates into either hello, goodbye or peace)